Racial Literacy/Race/DEIJ In School/Critical Race Theory
Racial Literacy Introduction — A Conversation with Dr. Howard Stevenson about Racial Literacy (Sept. 2021)
TedMed Talk (2-21-2018) — How to Resolve Racially Stressful Situations
NPR PBS NewsHour/WATCH (June 29, 2021): Answering your questions on critical race theory
Education Week/May 18, 2021: What is Critical Race Theory and Why is it Under Attack?
The Atlantic/May 5, 2021: Homeroom: I’m Concerned About Wokeness at My Child’s School - Most of the teachers and parents I talk with just want school to be school.
Multi-Purpose (Education, Advocacy & General Allyship)
Social Justice Books: The best selection of multicultural and social justice books for children, YA, and educators.
Check out the Witnessing Whiteness Discussion Group for a 10-week program designed to engage in personal learning. Each 2-hour session will focus on a chapter of Witnessing Whiteness by Shelly Tochluk, supplemented by timely resources that reflect current events in racial justice. The first session includes introductions and orientation; readings are due beginning the second week. This course is offered periodically.
White Ally Toolkit: How does a white person who aspires to be an ally against racism talk to their friends and family who are in denial about racism against people of color? Learn how to respond to a wide variety of statements that racism-denying white people often make.
Teaching While White (TWW) seeks to move the conversation forward on how to be consciously, intentionally, anti-racist in the classroom. Visit their website by clicking here to view resources, their blog, and more.
Momma, Did You Hear the News? by Sanya Whittaker Grag
Something Happened in Our Town: A Child's Story About Racial Injustice by Marianne Celano, Ph.D.
A Kid's Book About Racism by Jelani Memory
White Rage, by Carol Anderson & her lecture on the topic given at Emory University.
I Hate That I Have To Tell You By Darnell Walker (link to free e-book)
Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?: And Other Conversations About Race, by Beverly
Daniel Tatum and a conversation with Dr. Tatum at the Chicago Humanities Festival.
“Who gets to be Afraid in America” by Ibram X Kendi (The Atlantic)
Learn more about The Collective PAC, including their Black Campaign School by clicking here.
Discussing the Police
Talking About Race
N-Word Specific
Straight Talk about the N Word (by Dr. Neal A. Lester/Teaching Tolerance)
Articles by Dr. Neal A. Lester/Teaching Tolerance
Why It's So Hard to Talk About the N Word by Elizabeth Stordeur Pryor/Ted Talk
Affinity Groups
Affinity Space by Design, a plan for developing (sustaining) impactful and influential parent affinity spaces for our children, our networks, and our schools.
Affinity Group Resource Page For Independent Schools Interested in Starting Affinity Groups. This includes links to a NAIS affinity group presentation, information about white affinity group spaces, links to Liza Talusan's affinity group curriculum and more.
Supporting Black Men
Men Thrive: A digital platform dedicated to helping Black men of all ages show up whole, operate with joy, and live with power.
Ring the Alarm: The Crisis of Black Youth Suicide in America
Peaceful Fights for Equal Rights by Rob Sanders
White Nationalists Targeting Teens Online
Connecting the Dots: Protecting Students from White Nationalist Influence during COVID-19 (Full Lecture & Video series posted on Medium)
Building Resilience & Confronting Risk in the COVID-19 Era: A Parents & Caregivers Guide to Online Radicalization (Southern Poverty Law Center)
Racists Are Recruiting. Watch Your White Sons (NY Times Opinion)
Rabbit Hole Podcast (New York Times)
Swastikas in the Bathroom: Connecting the Dots between White Supremacy, White Nationalism, the AltRight, and the Alt-Light, by Shelly Tochluk and Christine Saxman (Medium)
My Day with the Far Right, by Shelly Tochluk
Supporting Children With Challenges
- www.gozen.com (easing anxiety for children)
Superpowered: Transform Anxiety into Courage, Confidence, and Resilience, by Renee Jain and Dr. Shefali Tsabary
The Conscious Parent, by Dr. Shefali Tsabary
The Motherhood Evolution (How Thriving Mothers Raise Thriving Children), by Suzi Lula
Support Groups for Parents with Special Needs Children:
Facebook: MNO SoCal-Caregivers of SN Children
For Moms, specifically: www.wearebravetogether.com
Tilt Parenting by Debbie Reber - https://tiltparenting.com/
Social Skills / Social Thinking Resources: The Social Foundations LA at www.socialfoundationsla.org (small group, virtual & mobile social groups)
Enrichment Classes / After School (Virtual): The Help Group “Kids Like Me” - https://www.kidslikemela.org/afterschool-programs-schedule/ (mostly for more impacted children)
Social, Emotional Learning (SEL):
Organization Help
Google Keep--Digital task manager
Google Calendar/Learning Works for Kids (virtual schedule, insert zoom links, reminders, due dates)
Note-Taking Help
Attentional Assistive Technology: Forest App (popular with Middle/High School students) to help focus
7 Top Tips for Self-Care as a Special Needs Parent by Susanna Peace Lovell
Online Donation
Make a tax deductible donation. Be sure to ask your employer if they will match your gift.